Sunday, September 19, 2010

Constitution Day

Friday, September 17th, was Constitution Day! We learned many things about the Constitution including what it is for, who helped write it, and when and where it happened. A simple PowerPoint presentation was used to teach this along with a book, We The Kids. We also looked at photographs of the Constitution at We worked together to make our own Playground Constitution with rules we should follow on the playground. Each student worked hard to follow directions to create a TLC quilt square. We put them all together and created our Playground Constitution Quilt complete with our rules and each student's signature.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

We can taste!

We have been exploring the five senses in Kindergarten this week. Today we learned about our taste buds! We had a taste test with many different things and determined where we taste them on our tongues.

Enjoying the yummy food!

We drew pictures of the items we tasted on our tongues. This helps us to remember which taste buds help us taste different things.

We also have been learning about sorting in our classroom! We sorted yummy M&Ms by color, Chex mix by shape, and we will be sorting construction paper by size and color!

Recording our work!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Well On Our Way....

Well..... we are almost finished with the third week of school! A lot of things have been going on! Last week, we had our Meet the Teacher Night when parents get to come meet the teacher, view the classroom, and hear about the Kindergarten curriculum. There were a lot of parents that came! :) I enjoyed talking with all of them and learning more about their children!

Here is a small favor I had for each parent. Of course it had to be a butterfly! Brilliant Butterflies!

We finished up our Color days today. Today was Favorite Color day. We all dressed in our favorite color, had yummy grapes for snack (Lane's favorite color snack), and made a class book about our favorite color. All of the Kindergarten teachers dressed up in our favorite color!

Mrs. Jordon and I in our favorite colors

We are still getting to know each other in our classrooms. Parents were sent home a note asking if they could write me a letter to tell me more about their child. This will help give me insight on the students personality and get a chance to work even closer with parents.

In our classroom, we are still having King and Queen of the Day. Each student has brought items from home in a paper bag to help tell us more about him/her. Every day we have one person share with us his/her items and the students get a chance to "interview" the student. This gives us a chance to learn more about each other, learn names, and also add names to our word wall!

We are well on our way to an awesome year!