Sunday, May 23, 2010

Writer's Celebration

We had a Writer's Celebration in our classroom this month to show off our great writing skills! We worked so hard on a piece of writing and were able to share it with our friends and family. We began our piece of writing using a simple graphic organizer to plan elements of our story we were going to write including the setting, characters, problem and solution. We worked on our drafts and then learned how to revise and edit them. The students met with their "editor" (ME!), and worked REALLY hard in the computer lab to type their story. After their books were typed, printed, and bound, the students illustrated their pieces using markers. After three weeks of hard work, we had our celebration complete with cookie and lemonade.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa,
    I love your blog! I just finished my first year of Kindergarten after switching from 4th have so many great ideas I can't wait to try next year! Thanks for sharing!
